Sign up on the U of T Co-op Portal
Step 1: Create your account
To sign up open the U of T Co-op Portal and click on the “Sign Up” button. Fill out your organization’s information.
- Industry: Please select the Industry Classification that fits best with your organization.
- Organization name
- Description: Enter a brief description of your organization.
- Number of employees: Select a range from the drop-down menu that best describes the size of your organization.
- Website: Provide a link to your organization’s website.
- Organization logo: Please add your organization’s logo to enhance brand recognition of your organization amongst our students. Your logo will be displayed on your profile page, job postings and some events.
- Contact information: Please provide as much information as possible about your contact information.
- Address: Please provide as much information as possible, including your country, street, city, province, and postal code.
- Policy affirmation: Please review the U of T Co-op Employer Participation Agreement and select “Yes” if you agree.
- Are you a University of Toronto Alum? Select “yes” if you are a graduate of the University of Toronto.
- How did you hear about us? Indicate how you first heard about U of T Co-op in this section.
- Update your preferred communication method: Please select whether you prefer to be communicated with through phone and/or email.
- What are you interested in? Select if you are interested in hiring co-op students, promoting your organization to co-op students, and/or attending co-op student networking events.
- Opt in to receive communications from U of T: Select ”yes” or “no”, communications include reminders about recruitment cycle dates, general news and updates.

Step 2: Submit your registration
When you are finished with the Sign-up form, please click on the “Submit” button. You will be getting an email from the U of T Co-op Hub within 48 hours with next steps. Thank you for your interest in hiring U of T Co-op students.